winADAM (Automated DAta acquisition in Mobile applications)

Realistic driving cycles are of great importance for the prediction of fatigue life, emissions and fuel consumption. The winADAM measurement data acquisition system, which was specially developed for this purpose, records video data and position in addition to various driving dynamics and mechanical variables. Our own measurement vehicle (MB CLA 180 d Shooting Brake) is available for test drives.

winADAM is a measurement data acquisition system that can be

  • installed in the vehicle and the measurement started within approx. 1 minute,
  • records extensive operational data without the need to install additional sensors
  • is extremely robust. Operation with tanks and drives on the Nürburgring were carried out without any problems

The measurement data from winADAM is used to assess vehicle powertrains and driver behaviour, to control test rigs in real time or to collect basic data for simulations.

winADAM Video Travel

Measurement System winADAM

winADAM measurement system, closed for transport

Structure of the Measurement System

winADAM consists of a measuring case (Fig. 1) in which a notebook computer and the following sensors are installed:

  • Yaw rate sensor
  • GPS receiver
  • Pressure sensor
  • Video camera
  • 3 acceleration sensors in longitudinal, lateral and vertical direction
  • Temperature and humidity sensor.

Prepared Cconnections for additional Measurements

An analogue-digital converter allows the recording of 5 additional analogue channels with a voltage between -10 and +10 V. These 5 channels are always recorded, even if there are no external input signals.
A CAN interface is integrated and 20 CAN signals are always recorded. The configuration of the CAN data is read from the user definable *.dbc file. This allows the user to define the data to be read.
The connection of further temperature measuring points via USB is prepared.


winADAM can be used for long-term measurements over several days or even weeks with a low sampling rate as well as for highly dynamic short-term measurements. The sampling rates can be set within the following limits:

  • Video, 1-24 Hz
  • Analogue channels, 1-200 Hz
  • CAN-channel, 1-200 Hz
  • USB (e.g. temperature) 1 Hz

Installation in the Vehicle

The following steps are required to install the measuring case:

  • The case must be placed horizontally in the vehicle
  • The GPS antenna with magnetic base must be mounted on the roof
  • The camera is attached to the windscreen with a suction tripod
  • If CAN data is to be recorded, the CAN interface must be connected to the vehicle CAN, which is done using a USB plug. When the computer is switched on, the measurement programme starts automatically. The vehicle should be as horizontal as possible, as the accelerometers are calibrated first. If the vehicle is leaning, it can be corrected later.

Carrying out the Measurement

winADAM does not require any user interaction during the measurement. During the measurement, correct operation is signalled by voice output. Any errors that occur are signalled by voice output in plain text (e.g. "supply voltage missing"), so that winADAM can be monitored acoustically alone. It can also be used where only the driver is to monitor the system.

User inputs can be made during the measurement, which are assigned to the location when the measurement data is displayed. This allows the route to be fully documented. These are:

  • Text input: via the keyboard (e.g. place names)
  • Function keys: e.g. for describing traffic restrictions

GPS tracking is carried out, during which the route travelled is displayed, allowing a visual check of GPS functionality. winADAM can be operated for up to 4 hours with rechargeable batteries. For longer measurement times, connection to the cigarette lighter is recommended. The sampling rate of the measured variables can be selected differently: The GPS signal is sampled 1x per second, when using a DGPS receiver the sampling rate is 10x per second. The video image can be recorded with a maximum of 20 images per second, but for long-term measurements over several days it is advisable to record fewer images, e.g. 1 image per second, to save memory space. The sampling rate of the analogue signals can be set identically for all analogue channels with a maximum of 200 Hz per channel. The CAN data can also be set identically, but also with a maximum of 200 Hz.

Evaluation Software

The powerful evaluation software provides the following functions:

Plausibility Check and Generation of Files for further Applications

In a first step, the measured data are checked for availability and plausibility, possibly faulty areas are marked and interpolated if necessary. In this step, files are also written for optional use in the EXCEL and DIADEM programmes and files are generated for simulation and test rig control with winEVA.

Data Visualisation

The visualisation of the measurement data is done in the following three track/time synchronous windows (Fig. 2), which makes it much easier to follow the occurrences during the measurement:

  • Over the course of the track (in the map),
  • As a signal curve as a function of distance and time, and
  • As a video image


The measurement can be interactively post-processed graphically. Partial routes can be created and then combined in any order. When several routes are combined, the time and distance coordinates are automatically corrected.

The measured GPS coordinates are linked using a spline function.

As the driver often drives alone and no markers can be entered during the trip, this can also be done in post-processing by determining traffic restrictions, place names, traffic influences, etc. from the video image.

The analysis software allows a geographical map to be copied to the clipboard and the route to be saved. It also automatically creates a file that can be viewed directly in Google Earth. In this way, very detailed information can be obtained afterwards, giving a very comprehensive picture of the measurement runs. Individual or all routes can also be displayed in Google Earth, resulting in a geographical database of the measurement runs.

In order to record the measured topography as accurately as possible, it is determined using the GPS signal, the pressure signal and optionally other measured variables. The accuracy of the data depends on various conditions and is constantly evaluated in order to calculate the optimal correction.

Screenshot of the measurement results displayed in three time-synchronised windows

Conducted measurement run (yellow-red), which can be viewed immediately in Google Earth.


[10] Willmerding, G.: Jehlicka, E.: Verbrauchsuntersuchungen an Stadtbussen; Der Nahverkehr Heft 5 1986

[11] Willmerding, G.: A simulation system to study the working conditions of vehicles and to develop fuel efficient drivetrains, publication on the FISITA-congress 1992, Institution of mechanical engineers, London 1992

[12] Willmerding, G.: Ein Simulationsmodell für Kraftfahrzeuge im Verkehrsfluß, publication on ASIM-congress TU-Berlin 1993, Fortschritte in der Simulationstechnik, 8. Symposium 1993, Band 6, ISBN 3-528-06555-9

[13] Böhm, Jehlicka, Willmerding: research of a modern freight traffic-system by using computer simulation, publication on the FISITA-congress in Peking 1994

[14] Willmerding, G.; Trübswasser, F.; Häckh, J.: A simulation system to predict fuel consumption and emissions considering the traffic flow. 5. Aachener Kolloquium Fahrzeug- und Motorentechnik 1995. Tagungsband.

[18] Willmerding, G.; Dietzel, B.; Körner, T.: Rechnergestützte Entwicklung von Schaltprogrammen für Automatikgetriebe, 3. Stuttgarter Symposium Kraftfahrwesen und Verbrennungsmotoren 1999, Universität Stuttgart, Seite 843 - 856, ISBN-Nr. 3-8169-1751-8

[19] Willmerding G.: Vorhersage der Lebensdauer dynamisch belasteter Bauteile durch Kombination von Lebensdauerberechnung mit Finite Element Methode, Vortrag Nr. 14 auf der Tagung Fahrwerk-Tech 99 Adaptive Fahrwerksysteme, 4-5. März, München, Tagungsunterlagen TÜV-Akademie München.

[22] Willmerding, G; Häckh, J; Berthold, A:Driving Cycle, Load and Fatigue Life Predictions based on measured Route Data , Vortrag auf der ATT-Tagung in Barcelona 2001, SAE-Paper 01ATT120

[23] Häckh, J.; Willmerding, G.; Kley, M.; Binz, H.; Körner, T.: Rechnerische Lebensdauerabschätzung von Getriebegehäusen unter Einbeziehung realer multiaxialer Belastungen, DVM-Tagung Fulda vom 5. bis 6.6.2002, VDI-Berichte N2. 1689, 2002 Seite 303 - 317

[24] Körner, T.; Depping, H.; Häckh, J.; Willmerding, G.; Klos, W.: Rechnerische Lebensdauerabschätzung unter Berücksichtigung realer Belastungskollektive für die Hauptwelle eines Nutzfahrzeuggetriebes, DVM-Tagung Fulda vom 5. bis 6.6. 2002, VDI-Berichte N2. 1689, 2002 Seite 275 - 285

[25] Körner, T.; Depping, H.; Häckh, J.; Willmerding, G.: Fatigue Life Prognosis for Transmissions based on critical Component Spectrum, World Automotive Congress FISITA 2002, Helsinki, Paper Nr. F02V091

Available Configurations

These two versions are available:

  • Standard configuration: In the standard configuration, winADAM is delivered with a GPS receiver with a sampling rate of 1 second.
  • Advanced version: The advanced version uses a DGPS receiver with correction data sent via satellite. The position and speed are measured 10 times per second. A licence fee for the use of the satellite data is required for operation.



Steinbeis has 1 measurement vehicle (MB EQA 250) which can be used to carry out measurements and road tests according to customer specifications.
The cost of a one-day test drive according to customer specifications, including evaluation of the data, is

MB EQA 250 2,500 € / Tag



The system can also be rented on a daily basis.

Daily rental (minimum 2 days) 280,00 €



winADAM standard configuration including hardware and software without

CAN-Interface CAN Interface 9.900 €
Additional module for CAN data acquisition 1.500 €
Advanced Version with DGPS-Receiver and CAN-Interface 19.900 €

Deviations and extensions are possible after consultation with the customer and will be charged accordingly. A fixed price quotation will be provided in advance.